Wanting to help others spend more time with their families, the owners of the company decided to leave their positions with other companies and start ITE Software.
While working at their own lighting showroom and for another lighting showroom, the owners of ITE customized a standard software package to help them drill down on the data that was truly helpful in the day-to-day operation of a medium size retailer.
In doing so, they created functions that would automate the daily tasks of their employees and make their days easier and less filled with tasks.
The two were of the same mind set - program to the procedure not the personality. This allowed them to then hire the personality and not the procedure, which is the fundamental belief of business franchising. Always build your company around the procedure required and not the person.
This allows you to hire as few "technicians" as possible and when the person in a key position moves on to another job... you are not stuck!
With this in mind, the development of the program started with a blank sheet of coding paper.
The database was created from scratch with the belief that the program would maximize relationships between data.
Two years later, the first product was sent out for testing and was immediately a success in the testers' eyes.
The program was written with a "box baseline" philosophy.
That is that if we handle the "box" and give the user the ability to describe what is inside the box, then the program becomes usable across a wide variety of industries.
To further explain the box method think of any company that buy a finished good and resells the item.
The box baseline is that the company buys the box, stores and displays the box, markets the box, sells the box, hands out or delivers or ships the box,
decides whether to reorder the box and if so does buy the box again, which starts that cycle all over again.
When the business cycle is broken down into these steps and each step is looked at for it particular needs,
then a software package can be written to help automate data flow at each interval in the process.
ITE Software turned into HANDS SOFTWARE in 2020 when the software went from a Windows Desktop version run over Remote Desktop to a platform completely built from ground up onto a web platform.
HANDS Software moved existing customer from Inertia to InertiaWeb starting in 2021. Every customer had their data moved in entirity without a single loss of any information. InertiaWeb has now been in full operation for over 1 year.
That is what makes InertiaWeb Company Controlling Software by HANDS SOFTWARE a unique and reliable platform.